Warwolf Trebutchet Lasers, Woodwork How ingenious the human mind is when it comes to devising weapons of war. This is my scratch built model of the famed Warwolf trebutchet. 01.11.24
Honky-Honk in NYC Writing My thoughts on the honking epidemic in the city of New York, and what steps can be made to resolve the phenomenon. 11.13.23
All Fun and No Work Shower Thought A short shower thought into what I my considerations are for the so-called "perfect job." Does such a concept even exist? 09.7.23
Blitz Bowl Bonanza Featured, Sports & Games I have been busy the past few months working on several projects involving the fantastic game of Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition! 08.15.23
Personalized Plates Just for Fun If you had the opportunity to choose a set of personalized licensed plates, which alphanumeric combination would you pick? 07.15.23
A Kiss In The Rain CNC A small project I made using the CNC router as an apartment-warming gift, from a design by Three Under The Rain. 06.20.23
Making Cutting Boards Featured, Foodstuff, Woodwork Cutting boards are a great gift for family and friends, and I have made quite a few of them over the years! 05.15.23
Growing Old Together CNC, Other Crafts From the online comic "Three Under the Rain:" a couple of projects I made in collaboration with friends as gifts for their significant others. 04.30.23
A Tour of Broadway Just for Fun, Writing When the two of us decided to walk the entire 30+ mile length of Broadway Street, from Sleepy Hollow to the Southern tip of Manhattan. 04.2.23
Mascotball Madness Just for Fun, Sports & Games Seeding the best 68 teams by mascot name, and then proxying games using the actual March Madness tournament bracket - which mascot will win? 03.12.23
Meandering Rivers Shower Thought The Meander River in Turkey was well known in ancient times for its twisting and winding course - but is it the most meandering river? 03.3.23
Super Blitz Bowl 23 Ceramics, Sports & Games Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition combines mayhem and showmanship on a football pitch. Here, I present the results of Super Blitz Bowl 23! 02.17.23